Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Time to get back.......

Hey there.......well 9 weeks back on Weight Watchers and I am down 10.6 lbs, it's a start and I am happy with that! Especially when I think all I want to lose may be another 25 lbs......doesn't seem that hard now does it??? Yeah it does! Slow and steady, that's how I am doing it! I wish I had the motivation that Jen has, but, not there, maybe someday! I think giving up chocolate for Lent has been a big help, every time I want to cheat, I can't because it usually involves chocolate! Looking forward to Easter Sunday so I can splurge a little......brownies and chocolate chip mint ice cream is definitely dessert for me that day!!!! That's all for now......be back soon!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A long time away....

Well, it's been too long - way, way too long - since any of us have updated here....and the scale shows that!

It's amazing what happens when you enter total denial - especially when you know better.  In early January, Jess joined WW's and was having success on the new P+ plan, so Laurie and I joined on 1/30/11.  My initial weight was no suprise - I had gained a lot from the time I stopped blogging in September.  But, coming back here, and seeing my old weights, truly hurt.  I started WW's at 191.6!!!  That is now my highest weight, non-pregnant, ever - not a goal I was shooting for.  As of Sunday, our 3rd wi, I was down to 185 - so, a loss of 6.6 pounds in 3 weeks - which is really excellent for me.  Today, at home, I'm at 184.2 - and I'm thrilled.  But, I had just said to Laurie on Sunday that what I struggle with is mentally beating myself up that right now all I am doing is fighting to get myself to a weight that I was at just a few short months ago - that pisses me off.  I know....I do know....that I need to let it go, I know I'm on the right track, it's what I'm doing now that counts....blah, blah, blah....I'm still pissed.  My lowest weight while doing this blog, was, I think, 181.6 - though I've lost over 7 lbs, I'm still almost 3 pounds heavier than that now - so, yes, that pisses me off.  I think it's partly because I wasn't at this new high for long (thank god) so the reality of it never had time to sink in.  I know from tracking that my lowest weight in all of 2010 was 180.8 - there is a part of me that won't really feel successful or proud until I'm below that - stupid, I know.  I could be going in the other direction, but I'm not - I'm working hard.  But, I'm still pissed.  Right now my only goal is to hit my 10% (172.6) which I hope to do in early April - it will be over 3 years since I've been down that low and I have a closet full of clothes waiting for me.  But, first I need to get past the mental block of being pissed off...

On another note, what I am proud of is the gym!  I have consistently been going to the gym for 7 weeks now - through snow, sleet, rain, 8 degree temperatures, etc., - I have been getting up at 5:20 am and hitting the gym (6:45 on weekends).  I go 5 to 6 times a week and hit the treadmill for 35 to 45 minutes (with one long endurance day on Sunday's - usually up to an hour or more at a steady pace).  The rest of the days I do intervals (alternating between a fast pace and a high incline, and now I've added running).  Next week I'll start the C25K program - we are doing the Revlon 5k in memory of my sister on 4/30 and my goal is run at least half, if not more.  Two days a week I do strength training and every time I do stretching and sit ups (ugh!).  It's down right odd how much I'm enjoying it - while I hate getting up, I love going at that time of day and I always feel better after I go - even my knee pain and headaches have subsided a lot!

Lastly, I wanted to comment on the new P+ plan - sometimes I hate reading the ww's boards because I just don't get it - there are people who are miserable on the new plan and say that they are not losing or even - gah! - gaining!  I just don't get how that's possible.  To maintain my weight or gain, I know I was eating over 2,000 calories a day - now I'm eating anywhere from 1200 to 1500 - so, I'm losing.  And losing well!  How are they gaining?  No matter what your points, it comes down to calories in vs calories out.....!  But, I like it - I hated momentum - 22 points a day felt like nothing - I felt like I was always playing games to stretch it out.  Now, I feel like I have enough to be satisfied - yes, some of my favorites went up in points....so, guess what?  I need to make better choices!  I can't exsist off all carbs now - and that's such a good thing!  I always eat my AP's and most of my WP's (I try to leave 20 or so but that doesn't always happen) and my average weight loss has been 2.2 pounds a week - ta da!!  Now that rocks!  I am usually not such a big "loser" - the one time I was really succesful on ww's my average was only 1.7 lbs a week - so, I do expect this to slow down a bit - but for now, I'm thrilled to wi and I really like the new plan.  I used to have my 100 calorie coffee cakes for breakfast everyday - at 1 pt, what a bargain!  But, of course, just because they are 100 calories it doesn't mean they were 100 of the right kind of calories!  But, at 3 points now, I haven't had them since I started.  So, now breakfast is oatmeal, or a light Thomas WW english muffing with a tsp of peanut butter - 4 points and soooooo much better of a choice!  :) 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

5k Walk today

Well, I am getting ready to do this walk and I actually think I will beat my time of 52.00.09 from last year.......nice to have dreams! I think I am about 10 lbs heavier than last year and haven't walked more than an average of 5,000 steps a day! Just hoping I don't make a total ass of myself today! They are changing the route a little and doing more time on the track.....you know I will be watching the time as I walk (RUN) on the track!!! Well, good luck to me and I will post how I do!!! Miss you guys......we really need to get back to this!!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's Hump Day...

And boy, what a hump it feels like today. Usually my weeks fly by. This one, however, not so much. It is draggggggggggggggging.

This morning I weighed myself, as I do every morning. Yes, I know this brings up the argument "You shouldn't do it everyday." "You should only weigh yourself once a week." But, I find weighing myself everyday helps keep me on track. When I see the numbers going down everyday, that gives me the push I need to eat well and exercise that day, to keep the momentum going. However, today kind of made me EH. Yes, I was down 8 oz. from yesterday. And, as many will say, at least it's not a gain. But, it's only 8 oz. To me, that's just EH.

I blame the M&Ms yesterday. It's their fault (not mine for eating them). But, I started PMSing, and they were there, and they were just what I needed. But, after seeing the 8 oz loss, today I feel like I don't need them so much. I need to lose the weight, not have yummy little chocolate candy coated deliciousness... STOP!!!

Oh, and 2 down this week for the elliptical! Did my 20 minutes, AND I kicked up the intensity a bit. Tonight I think I may try and extra 5 minutes!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


No, I'm not trying to get a rousing game of soccer going. I am finally setting realistic (I think) goals for myself in this weight loss thing.

Goal 1 - Do the elliptical for 20 minutes 5 days this week. Last week I was able to do 3 days (in a row) and was mad at myself for not doing more. So, we are going for 5 this week. Not unrealistic...

Goal 2 - Lose 100 lbs by 10/05/11. That will be 1 year from my wedding, and it is 1 year and 8 days from now. I think if I really put my mind to it I can get there (or pretty close).
There you go... My goals.

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to lose I go!

Friday, September 24, 2010


So, yesterday we had our "Birthday Luncheon" at work, which makes it very hard to be good. I started at the end of the table, doing well by taking 1/2 a plate of salad (dressing already on it, but what can you do). But, as I moved down things got worse and worse... ziti parm (took a little), chicken piccatta (small piece), eggplant something cheesey (took a small little square), 1 meatball. I didn't even take a roll! So , I thought I was doing OK. THEN came the Coldstone ice cream cake. Well, that was a small piece as well (splitting 1 cake between 40 people tends to do that). But still...

So then, we went right to the grocery store after work (did VERY well there, for the most part. Eric on the other hand...). It seemed like a good idea, but that prolonged dinner (and I was REALLY excited to make my spaghetti squash). So, when we got home it turned into "rush and find something." I did ok there too, with chopped veggies. But... afterward is a different story. I SWEAR those apple cider donuts were taunting me. I had to shut them up by eating them. GRRRRRRR!

And, to make matters worse, I didn't do the elliptical. Now, this was the first night after doing it 3 in a row, so the break was deserved. But, I am completely attributing the lack of exercise to eating crappily. When I know I am getting on there, I know that I should be eating healthy to go with it (down 3 lbs since Monday, BTW!). But last night, knowing I wasn't going on didn't make me think to be healthy. There is a major change I need to make!

Fast forward to today... Up .2lbs from yesterday after eating junk. Not horrible. Of course, I am trying to be better today. I am a little disappointed in myself as I have already consumed an approximate 20 pts. But, there is still the rest of the day to be better. AND, I am getting on that elliptical tonight if it kills me!!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

It's the Little Things...

I need to make this quick, but I am proud. After only using our elliptical machine twice, for 5 then 10 minutes, I was pretty bummed. Why did I waste my money on this is I couldn't use it. Well, shockingly, I COULD! I just had to put some effort in and wrap my head around it. I finally did that yesterday... And stayed on for 20 minutes! That may not seem like a lot, but that is 20 minutes more exercise than I was doing this time last week or the week before. And, it didn't suck. AND, I felt awesome after. AND, I want to do it again tonight (while watching the Biggest Loser, I might add.

It's the little things... But put together those little things will make a big difference!!