Tuesday, September 21, 2010

It's the Little Things...

I need to make this quick, but I am proud. After only using our elliptical machine twice, for 5 then 10 minutes, I was pretty bummed. Why did I waste my money on this is I couldn't use it. Well, shockingly, I COULD! I just had to put some effort in and wrap my head around it. I finally did that yesterday... And stayed on for 20 minutes! That may not seem like a lot, but that is 20 minutes more exercise than I was doing this time last week or the week before. And, it didn't suck. AND, I felt awesome after. AND, I want to do it again tonight (while watching the Biggest Loser, I might add.

It's the little things... But put together those little things will make a big difference!!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Jess....that is awesome keep up the good work. Wish I could say I was doing as well......haven't made it to the gym one day this week. Did go walking at lunch time - twice...but it's not the gym, I guess that is better than nothing. Sometimes the more I do the more my body aches and it tends to stop me. Trying to find that motivation again....I keep losing him/her.
