Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's Hump Day...

And boy, what a hump it feels like today. Usually my weeks fly by. This one, however, not so much. It is draggggggggggggggging.

This morning I weighed myself, as I do every morning. Yes, I know this brings up the argument "You shouldn't do it everyday." "You should only weigh yourself once a week." But, I find weighing myself everyday helps keep me on track. When I see the numbers going down everyday, that gives me the push I need to eat well and exercise that day, to keep the momentum going. However, today kind of made me EH. Yes, I was down 8 oz. from yesterday. And, as many will say, at least it's not a gain. But, it's only 8 oz. To me, that's just EH.

I blame the M&Ms yesterday. It's their fault (not mine for eating them). But, I started PMSing, and they were there, and they were just what I needed. But, after seeing the 8 oz loss, today I feel like I don't need them so much. I need to lose the weight, not have yummy little chocolate candy coated deliciousness... STOP!!!

Oh, and 2 down this week for the elliptical! Did my 20 minutes, AND I kicked up the intensity a bit. Tonight I think I may try and extra 5 minutes!

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