Tuesday, September 28, 2010


No, I'm not trying to get a rousing game of soccer going. I am finally setting realistic (I think) goals for myself in this weight loss thing.

Goal 1 - Do the elliptical for 20 minutes 5 days this week. Last week I was able to do 3 days (in a row) and was mad at myself for not doing more. So, we are going for 5 this week. Not unrealistic...

Goal 2 - Lose 100 lbs by 10/05/11. That will be 1 year from my wedding, and it is 1 year and 8 days from now. I think if I really put my mind to it I can get there (or pretty close).
There you go... My goals.

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to lose I go!

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