Saturday, July 31, 2010

And today's excuse is...

I always have struggled with my weight. As a kid, into my teens, into my 20's, and especially now getting into my (GULP!) 30's. There has always been an excuse for the weight gain, and an excuse to not lose it. These days the excuses are dating my boyfriend (when we got together we would eat out all the time, and I didn't care about letting myself go) and my asthma (I'm afraid to exert myself becasue what if I have an attack). The latter is especially silly, since I was diagnosed as asthmatic AFTER I gained the weight!

I had convinced myself that as soon as my boyfriend proposed and I had that ring on my finger I would kick my weight loss into gear. Well, that happened 3 weeks ago (July 10th), and I have GAINED 3 lbs. since! If anything should give me reason to want to lose weight (you know, besides actually being helathy!), an impending wedding should be it. No, not so much.

Don't get me wrong. As I type this my mind is going "Really, now you need to start getting your butt into gear- literally." But, will I be thinking that when I go out to dinner with friends later at Rutt's Hutt (deep fried hot dogs anyone), or when we are cutting into ice cream cake for a friend's birthday?

I need will power. I need my new fiancee to want to help me with this. But really, I need to get off my a$$ and start doing something. I bought a bike 3 months ago. I rode it around the block the day I got it. It has sat in the garage since. Again, my excuse is "It's too hot out." Ok, well what is the excuse for not using the eliptical we HAD TO HAVE, which sits in my air conditioned living room?!

I am tired of panting going up one flight of stairs. I am tired of swelling up every night. I am tired of being tired.

Bridal Boot Camp start now... Ok, maybe tomorrow...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Definition of success....

dI belong to SparkPeople though to be honest, I never really use it - I do read the message boards, success stories and get email updates from the site. I received an email today that has article that really hit home...

Part of the article says:

According to the study in the Archives of Internal Medicine, the average "Dream" weight loss is 38% of the dieter’s current weight. Also:

a 31% weight loss would make the average dieter "Happy"
a 25% weight loss would be "Acceptable".
And most disturbing of all,
a 15.7% weight loss would be "Disappointing".
So the 200-pound woman who loses 30 pounds would actually be disappointed in her results!

I have 30% of my weight to lose - thinking about it in terms of percentages, if I think about only losing 15.7%, I would be disappointed, as it's just over half of what I need to lose. But, realistically, that's almost 30 lbs and would have me at 156 can that be disappointing? No, it's not goal, but it's a lot less of me and it's a lot healthier. It definitely makes it clear that we are prone to want all or nothing, which is a shame. When it comes to weight loss, I think looking at the bigger picture can be overwhelming and daunting. But, going for smaller goals seems more doable - and the rewards, in terms of health and self-esteem, are just as important. So, my first goal will be 10% - that will be 18.6 lbs and put me at 167.4. Sure, it's not 130, not yet...but it's not 186 either. It's down a size or two and it's day at a time. I would *like* to reach that goal by October 1st but as long as I'm headed there, I'm good with that. A measly 10%....I can do that! :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New find....(well, new to me!)

I'm probably a little late in the game here, but when I was at PathMark with my son, I spotted this -

Special K Protien water mix! Now, I'm not saying that protien and fiber should mostly come from what you drink - I do believe it should come from what you eat. But, being I know that I don't get enough of either during the day, and I hate drinking water, and will only drink water that has been flavored, I figured it can't hurt to try it. Not as a replacement for what I should be eating, but just a little extra of what my body needs on this journey. It does add 30 calories to the water, but no fat and 5 g's each of protein and fiber! :) I wish I was one of those who loved water - the teacher I worked with last year would drink at least three 16 oz bottles during the day - and that's just what she drank at work!! So, if flavoring my water helps me get it in, I'm all for it. I tried the pink lemonade and it's great - expensive, though, so I would look for sales or online for better prices. Normally I don't use the whole packet when flavoring water but with this I did (though they are triple the size of the 4C one's I normally use) and it's perfect!!

In addition to that, I also purchased the Special K chocolate delight cereal. I've mentioned before that late night snacking is a huge downfall for me and I also have a major (MAJOR) sweet tooth. I'm going to try this cereal when I get the late night munchies - not with milk, though. Just a serving to snack on while reading or watching TV and the urges hit! :)

hmmmm...just read some reviews of this cereal and they weren't very promising. Well, I'll try it tonight and post how I like it tomorrow! Stay tuned.... :)

Now on to get dinner ready - tonight we're having grilled thin sliced chicken breasts marinated in a lite honey mustard salad dressing. :) Yum!

It's only just begun....

This week has already been a struggle - I am one of those that finds it so much harder to lose weight in the summer than in the winter. I am definitely more active in the Summer, but my eating is so much worse. There is way too much ice cream around here for one thing, plus the BBQ's and the cocktails by the pool. Why is motivation so easy sometimes, and so hard at other times? In the winter, life is much more structured but in the summer, it's much harder to plan (at least for me!!) I think not wearing jeans in the summer hurts too - they always seem to be the one thing that I use as a "I've had it with this body" guide. This is the first summer that I officially bought clothes in a size 16 - something I swore I would never, ever do. But, here I am with shorts in size 16 and it kills me. One thing that I am looking forward to is 'closet shopping". I'm pretty sure that I've long since dumped my size 8 wardrobe but I have so many clothes in size 14 and size 12, with M tops - I can't wait to be able to pull them out and wear them again. If I get lower than that, then shopping will be the reward! I also think I'm going to buy myself a bicycle - one of those totally girly cruisers, hot pink, streamers and all! Like this...

Love it!!! It would be nice to be able to add bike riding to our family outings - I will have to be careful because of my knee(s) but I also remind myself that while my knee issues are things I was born with and can't help, losing weight would probably be a huge help.

I do try to remind myself that one ice cream or one drink is not an excuse to throw the whole day away - but, so much easier said than done....

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


OK, so yesterday all gung ho and was going to hit my goal of 10,000 steps. So close, realized at 11:00pm I had 9241 steps and had no ambition to walk around my house a bunch of will be better, right? Wrong......I will be lucky to hit 6,000 steps. So, I tell myself now tomorrow will be much better as long as it is not too humid out!!! Let's hope!!! Maybe I will do laps around my office every hour or so and that will increase my steps! I will try that! Hope you girls are doing well!!!! P.S. I am working on my weight loss plan, haven't figured it all out yet!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Jen's plan and pitfalls....

Since I'm the only one currently set up, I figured I'd start with some personal stuff about me - I have been married to my husband for almost 13 years, together for over 18 years. We have a 10 year old son whom I love more than life itself! :) I work as an aide in my son's school, so I'm on his schedule and off in the summers. I don't love it, though, and miss being in an office and creative on the computer - by next year, I will be looking to go back to some kind of admin job. For right now, though, this situation works well.

As for my plan....I've done WW's in the past many, many, many times. (Right, Laurie??) :) I think it's a great plan and it works, when you work it. I lost 25 lbs once, my biggest success. But, I hate counting points (there, I said it! :) I just feel at this point, if I'm going to be counting something, it may as well be calories - it's easy enough to do for the rest of my life, the formula doesn't change every few years. I truly feel that it all comes down to calories in vs calories out. I will be using an iPhone app called "Lose It" to help me. Lose it tracks your calories, your weight, your exercise, etc. I put into the application my starting weight of 186 (highest weight ever, and 2nd time I've been there), my goal weight (130 lbs - which at 5' 3" and 40 years old, works just fine for me) and how much I want to lose per week - it gives you the option of anywhere from a half pound to 2 lbs a week. I picked 1 1/2 pounds per week, so it set my calories at 1403 per day and says that I will be at goal by April 14, 2011 (which is about 8 1/2 months). If slow and steady wins the race, then I'm good with that - it's not about racing to the finish line, it's about finishing. If you exercise, it does give you back those calories to eat (so, if I burn 300 calories at the gym, I will have 1703 for that day) but I plan on that being my "cushion" - there if I need it. As for exercise, that's harder - my husband leaves for work at 6 am and is home at 4:30 - so, since it's summer, I home all day with my 10 year. I would love to be the type of person to get up at 5 am and hit the gym before Mike leaves, but that's not going to happen right now when I don't have to be up. I hate to exercise at night but I will work on that. Once school is back in session, I will work on a more formal gym routine of getting there at least 4 to 5 times a week - but for now, the plan is to just move more and hit 10,000 steps a day. For now, I will hit the gym when I can, but will find ways to move every day, whether its walking, wii fit, etc.

My biggest pitfall is late night eating - always has been, always will be. I can be on target all day and crumble at night. By 10 pm, the male occupants of the house are off to bed and it's just me, the TV and usually a great book - oh, and snacks! :( It's just boredom, emotional, stress (etc.) eating and I know that, but it's still always been a battle for me. At some point going to bed earlier might make sense, but I really love my "me" time. Finding balance will be the goal.

Another pitfall is not being a fruit and veggie person - Kate, Laurie and I come from a large Irish family where our Mom cooked to please our Dad - so, everything was bland, dried out or processed.

Some of us have broadened our horizons since then, but me, not so much. So, I will be working on that, but I do believe that no food is off limits - portion control will be a huge part of this and I truly believe in everything in moderation. I can't say that I'll never have another piece of cake or a drink - that's not fun to me. Life is about balance, not deprivation. (IMO). So, we'll see how balance, moderation, portion control, with making strides towards healthier choices, and moving more work for me.

I will also plan motivational rewards along the way, but more about that later..... :)

So, who's next? What's your plan?

Welcome to 4 to go....

If you've stumbled across this blog, please bear with us as we get our act together!  This will be the weight loss journey of 4 sisters (okay....technically, 3 sisters and a cousin, but the cousin grew up around the corner from us and has always been like a little sister, so to make things easier and less confusing, we're all sisters for the purpose of this blog!)  Some may post a lot, some a little, but we will all be sharing our journey together.  I'm Jen, who came up with this crazy idea as I have always found weight loss blogs inspiring and feel the accountability is a huge help in staying motivated.  There will be an about me/weigh in page to follow each of us on our journey, and we will all pitch in on posting our triumphs, struggles, victories and slip ups - we will also be there for each other to be cheerleaders and to give a kick in the ass when needed (feel free to join in on either!) 

For myself, I am looking at 56 lbs to lose, which at the moment feels akin to climbing Mount Everest.  But, I am tired of the clothes I cannot wear and feeling uncomfortable in my own skin.  So, time to get this party started!  :)