Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It's only just begun....

This week has already been a struggle - I am one of those that finds it so much harder to lose weight in the summer than in the winter. I am definitely more active in the Summer, but my eating is so much worse. There is way too much ice cream around here for one thing, plus the BBQ's and the cocktails by the pool. Why is motivation so easy sometimes, and so hard at other times? In the winter, life is much more structured but in the summer, it's much harder to plan (at least for me!!) I think not wearing jeans in the summer hurts too - they always seem to be the one thing that I use as a "I've had it with this body" guide. This is the first summer that I officially bought clothes in a size 16 - something I swore I would never, ever do. But, here I am with shorts in size 16 and it kills me. One thing that I am looking forward to is 'closet shopping". I'm pretty sure that I've long since dumped my size 8 wardrobe but I have so many clothes in size 14 and size 12, with M tops - I can't wait to be able to pull them out and wear them again. If I get lower than that, then shopping will be the reward! I also think I'm going to buy myself a bicycle - one of those totally girly cruisers, hot pink, streamers and all! Like this...

Love it!!! It would be nice to be able to add bike riding to our family outings - I will have to be careful because of my knee(s) but I also remind myself that while my knee issues are things I was born with and can't help, losing weight would probably be a huge help.

I do try to remind myself that one ice cream or one drink is not an excuse to throw the whole day away - but, so much easier said than done....


  1. I totally agree with all that about harder to lose in the summer and I wear jeans almost everyday! I have wanted a bike for the longest time, 3 mile commute to work I should be riding a bike....unlike you I don't want the girlie bike, I do want more of a mountain bike! Someday, maybe I will buy myself one as a birthday present. I keep waiting for my husband to surprise me, but that hasn't happened yet!!!!

  2. You should keep an eye on Craigslist - there are always bicycles for sale there. If not, you can get bikes at Target, Walmart, etc. They are not the top of the line mountain bikes, but do you really need that?? And don't wait for your hubby, do it for you!

  3. oops, that was from Jen - I didn't sign into my own account! :)

  4. and fyi, one of the reasons I want a girly bike is because you sit more upright than you do on a mountain bike, which helps your back - so, make sure you really try out a new bike with your back!
