Tuesday, July 27, 2010


OK, so yesterday all gung ho and was going to hit my goal of 10,000 steps. So close, realized at 11:00pm I had 9241 steps and had no ambition to walk around my house a bunch of times....today will be better, right? Wrong......I will be lucky to hit 6,000 steps. So, I tell myself now tomorrow will be much better as long as it is not too humid out!!! Let's hope!!! Maybe I will do laps around my office every hour or so and that will increase my steps! I will try that! Hope you girls are doing well!!!! P.S. I am working on my weight loss plan, haven't figured it all out yet!!


  1. I think maybe we need to get a step competetion going again - it's easier for me, obviously, since I'm not working right now and when I am working, I'm on my feet all day, so my goal should be higher than yours. But, Jess also has a pedometer so all three of us could do it....hmmmmm? Now work on that plan! If you wanted to go back to WW's, I would, though, I really have grown weary of points. Honestly, I might looking into something like Jenny Craig or NutriSystem, just for a month, as a kick start....

  2. I belong to WW online......hasn't done anything! I was thinking about Jenny Craig or NutriSystem myself and I think I could talk Mark into that as well!

  3. Talk to Mark as in you doing it, or both of you doing it? At some point, you might need to let Mark fend for himself so you can take care of yourself - but, I bet that he'd come on board once he saw your success!!

  4. I think I can get Mark to do it with us, we have talked about it before. I have 2 concerns with him - 1 lunch - he doesn't always eat lunch and 2 is portion control!

  5. Well, portion control will be a big one - he is a big (as in tall) guy with a physical job. He needs to concentrate on foods that have lots of volume to fill you up (so large quantities, but low calories). Does he pack lunch or does he eat on the road? Maybe packing a cooler would help? Mike does that every day (not that he's EVER had a weight problem....grumble...)

  6. He doesn't do either.....he will eat something when he gets home. If he gets home late and it is close to dinner, he will just eat dinner and no lunch!! Yes, we are all jealous of your lean husband.....grumble!!!

  7. ugh, that's like the worst possible thing he could do...he needs to eat during the day! He's like Terry in that way (but at least Mark eats breakfast!)

  8. He does eat breakfast, usually a bowl of cereal or oatmeal and sometimes a yogurt with it. Can we do Jenny Craig or NutriSystem without having to have on of the counslers?

  9. Sort of - you can do it at home, but you have a phone call with one of the counselors once a week. Well, let me clarify - that's Jenny Craig. I didn't look at NutriSystem but I will.
