Saturday, July 31, 2010

And today's excuse is...

I always have struggled with my weight. As a kid, into my teens, into my 20's, and especially now getting into my (GULP!) 30's. There has always been an excuse for the weight gain, and an excuse to not lose it. These days the excuses are dating my boyfriend (when we got together we would eat out all the time, and I didn't care about letting myself go) and my asthma (I'm afraid to exert myself becasue what if I have an attack). The latter is especially silly, since I was diagnosed as asthmatic AFTER I gained the weight!

I had convinced myself that as soon as my boyfriend proposed and I had that ring on my finger I would kick my weight loss into gear. Well, that happened 3 weeks ago (July 10th), and I have GAINED 3 lbs. since! If anything should give me reason to want to lose weight (you know, besides actually being helathy!), an impending wedding should be it. No, not so much.

Don't get me wrong. As I type this my mind is going "Really, now you need to start getting your butt into gear- literally." But, will I be thinking that when I go out to dinner with friends later at Rutt's Hutt (deep fried hot dogs anyone), or when we are cutting into ice cream cake for a friend's birthday?

I need will power. I need my new fiancee to want to help me with this. But really, I need to get off my a$$ and start doing something. I bought a bike 3 months ago. I rode it around the block the day I got it. It has sat in the garage since. Again, my excuse is "It's too hot out." Ok, well what is the excuse for not using the eliptical we HAD TO HAVE, which sits in my air conditioned living room?!

I am tired of panting going up one flight of stairs. I am tired of swelling up every night. I am tired of being tired.

Bridal Boot Camp start now... Ok, maybe tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Jess, you have to it want it enough that there are no excuses - if your head isn't in the game, your actions won't be either. I always think of this quote "Don't let what you want at the moment get in the way of what you want the most". You are right that your asthma is not a decent excuse - Kate and I both have asthma so I won't be running a 10k any time soon, but I can walk and I just take precautions. Think of it this way - it takes 3500 calories to gain or lose a pound - that's 500 calories a day. If you cut your food by half that, and burn off half that (which you could do in a 40 minute walk), you would lose a pound a week without too much effort or sacrifice. Sure, a lb a week isn't much, but a year from now, you would be down 52 lbs. More effort, and lower calories, will see bigger/faster results, but it's a way to start out easy. But, the bottom line, a year from now you will regret not having done something today, right? So, just take baby steps until your mind stops coming up with the excuses! :)

    Or we could always start a biggest loser money competition.... I'm just saying.... ;-)
