Friday, September 3, 2010

Anybody out there....??

Sorry, I know that I've been MIA for awhile - with the start of school/work, I've been in a funk and that has most definitely affected my game plan.  I don't like the job I have, which I took after getting laid off from the worlds most perfect job for a working Mom, but this year I especially hate what I'm doing (after a great year last year).  So, I've been wallowing for awhile.  I took this job in hopes that it would lead to an office position, but I don't think that will ever happen and I think it's time to look for something else - but, then that brings up all sorts of issues, like I don't want to work full time yet and what do I about the summer and school breaks?  So, do I just deal with being bored, miserable and making no money because it's better for Con in the long run?  I don't know.  But, I hate dreading going to work, I hate people watching me to make sure PA stuff doesn't interfere with my job (which it always does) and losing the flexibility I had last year IF PA stuff did interfere.  180 days of work doesn't sound like a lot, but it is when you are unhappy....  So, I've been depressed and miserable and that has equalled not watching what I've been eating and no walking.  I don't know what to do about facing a miserable year, but I do know that sabotaging my own plan isn't really productive.

So, moving on - time to get back on track.  But, where the heck is everyone else?  No updates, no reports, no weigh in's....hello????   Ka', how have you been doing - and where is your victory post about your shopping experience?  Laurie - weigh in?  How are you doing??  Jess - have you gotten started with South Beach yet?  Any weigh in's??

C'mon, post - share- encourage!!!  Let's go!  Hmmm....we should meet to walk, too, especially now that it's supposed to cool off....we could always go to track one night, right???

As Conor used to say "How you doin'?"  :)  Let's motivate!! 

Quote "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten"

So, unless this is the best you want, it's time to shake it up!  :)


  1. Yes, I am still here.......haven't been good about eating so my solution is to avoid the scale! Not smart I know. I am going to go into the gym before work tomorrow (and hopefully a new routine of 3 days a week) and that will turn things around for me. I promise myself and my blog buddies I will weigh in on Friday and see what the nasty results are! Good or bad I will let you know!!!

  2. Hey, know that you're not alone. This time of year is hectic for me as well and I definitely can understand not liking your job. I begrudgingly returned to my teaching job this year mostly because it was the right thing to do for now, but up until the very last day of my vacation, I let myself believe that I could change my mind. I DREADED going back. Things are better this week, but I think it's mostly because I'm too busy to think about it too much. Hang in there! You can do it!

