Friday, September 10, 2010

Not sure what to think.......

So I get on the scale this morning and it reads 182.5, not sure if I can believe it. OK, I haven't weighed in for 3 weeks but I haven't really been watching what I eat, except for the past week, I have been pretty good. I started my new gym routine and I seem to like it, waking up at my normal time, going to the gym and then getting to work an hour later than normal. The bad part was going to the gym yesterday, 20 minutes on the treadmill and then 20 minutes working on my arms and shoulders then having to bowl last night. By the third game that ball was so heavy it wasn't funny but I think I bowled a 147 that game.......not bad!!!! Well, I will keep doing what I have been doing and the scale will tell if this weeks weigh in was a fluke!!!

1 comment:

  1. Don't question it - just go with it!!! Who knows why the scale does what it does - but, all you can do is your best and then hope for the best!

    Of course....I don't like that you would be skinner than me....knock that off! ;-)
