Tuesday, August 10, 2010

all eyes on you

Ok what do you do when you're going to a "party" type setting. Everyone knows you're on a diet and you know that when you sit down to eat all eyes are on you and what's on your plate and how much you're actually putting in your mouth. It really sucks!!!

I make the mistake every time of taking food and then only taking a bite out of it. I feel so bad for two reasons:
1. People see what's on my plate and assume that I AM actually going to eat all of it. Then they doubt my sincerity to this journey that I'm on (trying not to call it a diet anymore). Talk does have a way of getting back to you on what Great Aunt Lucy said about how much of her lasagna you piled on your plate....sigh

2. When I only eat a bite out of whatever is on my plate that isn't salad or something as good for me, I wind up throwing out good food...remember the "starving children in Southeast Asia" that our parents (and Baby in Dirty Dancing) always remind us of....sigh

So what is the right thing to do in this situation? Just take a tiny bit & then have people see you back on the food line again...nope, not the answer. Eat a tiny bit then raid the fridge when you get home...nope not the answer either. I hope to figure this out & soon....till then please keep your nose out of my dinner plate.... Please?


  1. Parties are definitely a problem during the summer. My situation is a little different in that I'm trying not to make a big deal out of changing my eating habits, so I don't want to draw attention to myself but I also have no clue if there will even be anything healthy to eat. I always feel guilty about wasting food too.

    What about these suggestions: *Eat a healthy salad before you go and then take small tastes of things? *Bring your own dish that is healthy, have a lot of that and tastes of other things? *Drink a lot of water to feel full while you're there? *Find someone to share a plate with?

    I'm no expert, these are just some things that I came up with quickly. Let me know what works for you because I'm probably going to try it! =)


  2. To be honest, this is why I'm always a little "in the closet" when it comes to weight loss. Of course, if I were more up front about it, then maybe Mike wouldn't have brught home mini-chocolate bars after he said to me "do you want any chocolate" and I said "no, thank you!". grrr...anyway....I like skittishkat's suggestions of eating something healthy before you go. But, I'm also slightly bitchy...first should anyone actually comment, my response would be "I've lost almost 100 lbs with how I've been eating, the only plate you need to worry about is yours, I'm pretty good at this now." But, the other thing is, I don't know if people really will notice or watch as much as you think - you and John have had such a transformation that they might only be noticing you guys, not your plates. And if they do, let them talk - next time they see you, and you are down even more, they'll realize you are obviously doing something right!!!
