Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I'm a junkie....

Well, a scale junkie that is! I weigh myself every day - I truly know better, but I do it anyway. I am the queen of research - if there is something I am interested in, or affects my life, then I throw myself into finding out all there is to know. So, I've read "Why the Scale Lies" I know the scale fluctuates all the time, for various reasons. But, my morning starts with a jump on the scale. The only time I don't do it is when I've given up or don't care anymore. Since Friday, the scale has been up and down - higher than my WI on Friday, or just a little lower. Yesterday was a bad day - I had horrible allergies all day so barely moved off the couch. My solution was to Stupid, I know. Counterproductive, I know. But, it was comforting and made me feel better. I know I went way off track - though, not horribly as most things were my normal low-fat/low-calories stuff, and cereal ended up being my dinner...but there was chocolate in there too. So, imagine my shock when I get on the scale today and it's .8 lower than the day before. It makes me crazy! So, even if I'm on track all day today, will the scale move back up tomorrow? Who knows, but it makes me crazy....because it makes no sense! I know I should be looking at the bigger picture and only be concerned with my week, not a day, and with my Friday weigh in, not what the scale says everyday. But, I torture myself with this crap. I have both an iPhone app and a spreadsheet where I track my daily weight - why? I think when it's on a downward trend, it keeps me motivated. But, when it's moving upward, or bouncing all over, it makes me depressed. So, why do I do it? All I need to focus on is today - just for today, I need to stay on track. Just for today, I need to drink my water. And just for today, I need to think about the bigger picture.

Being so oddly anal, I do have a record of my lowest weights over the past 8 years from my many attempts at WW's and these are my mini-milestones that I would like to get to. The first one is only 5 lbs away - totally do-able, right? Here they are -

178.8 on 9/25/05
176.8 on 12/31/06
174.8 on 4/19/06
174.2 on 5/29/05
169.8 on 2/6/05 (will move to "overweight" bmi)
166.4 on 9/19/04
162.2 on 7/4/04
150.8 on 1/28/03

(For the record, this is only WW's weights - I did get down to 160 in 2008 on my own - so I have seen most of those numbers since the dates listed above. But, again, I'm just using my 8 ww's books for this).

Oh - and edited to lowest weight in 2010 has only been 180.8, so, I'm hoping to beat that number by the end of the month. Seriously, enough with the 180's...kicking you to the curb for good! :)

I need to set up little rewards for myself along the way (even though some of them are only 2lbs away from each other). What are your little goals going to be and how will you reward yourself? (obviously, better health and lower weight is a reward in itself, but it's fun to have a prize to keep your eye on! :)


  1. Unlike you, I do not weight myself everyday, I would drive myself crazy seeing the scale go up day by day, once a week is enough. I hadn't thought of little rewards for myself but it is a good idea to keep motivated. I am working on portion control for myself right now. Didn't bring lunch today and got a sandwich from 7-11, just a small italian combo and took off the spicy meat and hollowed out the bread.....may not have been the best choice but I feel I did a good job! Could have went with the frozen White Castles or the overly mayo'd tuna salad but didn''s always the little steps. Still trying to get better with the water but have cut down on the soda! Vacation next week will be hard......but I will do my best!

  2. Vacations can be hard, but you have to remember that you ARE on vacation. This is the time you've put aside to rest & renew yourself. If this means that you want to have a dessert or a side of pasta with your meal then you go right ahead and do it. I'm not saying strap on the old feedbag, but go ahead and reward yourself for all the hard work you've done this past year. And know when you get back home and back to the "real world" you might see an increase on the scale, but hey how many vacations do you get to take? Relax and enjoy yourself. Life is way too short not to.

  3. I agree with Karen - you can't go super crazy every single day or it will be hard to get back in the groove again. But, it is vacation and it still should be fun, not stress over what to eat. I like the 80/20 rule for once I hit goal and for things like vacations - as long as 80% of the time I'm on track and eating healthy, I'm good with that.
