Monday, August 9, 2010

Joining the "club"...

Thanks girls for letting me join the "club".

I'm now starting my 8th month of this diet. It's really, really hard. But I am determined to do this one day at a time. I know to think of exactly how long I'll realistically have to be on this diet will totally depress me, so if I can just get through today..or even this hour...I'm happy. Then on Monday when John & I "weigh in" I'm usually happy enough to go on for another week. I'm honestly in the middle of my journey. 83 1/2 LBS. down. I'd like another 80 to leave (preferably from my thighs...LOL).

Alot of short term goals have been met so far being able to buckle the car seat belt, not needing the seat belt extension on the airplane, being able to walk 3 miles without collapsing. All feel real great, but there are still many, many more goals that I can't wait to reach. Such as 100 LBS. by my birthday! And so.....I raise a rice cake to all of you that share my path!


1 comment:

  1. We are so happy you are here - and you have had such amazing success - I know that you will hit your birthday goal!! :) But you are right - and that goes for anyone - looking at the big picture can be overwhelming, but smaller goals are so much easier to work towards and attain. Then those successes continue to push you forward. I posted in here about getting to my old WW's weights - some of them are tiny goals, but they mean a lot to me. By the time I hit the final one, I will only be 20 lbs from goal (yea!) You are an inspiration, you know - and I'm so happy for you and John!!! :)
