Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I have been stressing a lot lately. That means I have been stress eating a lot lately. I have been sad a lot lately. That means I have been emotionally eating. A few good things have happened lately, which means I have been celebrating lately.

These are things I need to work on getting in check. A cookie may make me feel better for that moment, but will not in the long run. Actually, that damn cookie winds up causing me more stress and sadness down the road. And whatever I am celebrating tends to be overshadowed by the "Uh, I am not fitting into anything and have nothing to wear" feeling.

I have been getting myself ready to start doing the South Beach Diet. It may sound weird to have to get yourself "ready". But, there are so many things I need to start incorporating in, and just as many that I need to take out, of my diet at first that it actually takes some planning. Sitting down and making a menu for the first two weeks (a throwback to my mom!) was fun and exciting and actually got me pumped to start. However, I have this stupid mindset that I MUST get rid of. It keeps telling me (especially when we go out) "Oh, well eat what you want now because the diet starts on Sunday!" Why do I sabotage myself like that? Why give myself more work to do.

And that makes me sad too... Think I'll have... A CUP OF TEA! :)


  1. I laughed at your comment about getting ready to diet. I do that everytime I start a diet. I always get 'ready' to do it by eating all the junk I already had in the house.

    How good that cookie was until all the obsessing about eating the cookie......I know that all to well, we all do!! Still kicking myself for the White Castles this weekend!!!!

    I am currently reading Ruby's Diary from the Style Network show.....she is very funny and so far the book is good and she is inspirational. Her favorite song is "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus, it's all about faith, about holding your head up high and believing in yourself even when it seems like what you're dreaming is an impossible goal. I haven't heard the song but I do like the lyrics! We can all do it......I know we can!! Thanks to Jen, we do have a place where we can vent, talk and get support which is huge and helpful!!! I want to get my before, during and after pictures up......even more of an inspiration knowing that they will be floating around for people to see.........yikes!!!!

  2. P.S. I think I will skip the cup of tea.....becuase I would want a cookie to go with it, nothing better than that!!!!

  3. I will certainly have to pick that book up. AND, I do love that song!

    PS- Had the tea. It was Peach herbal too, so a cookie wouldn't have gone too well with it. But it was uper yummy and kept me occupied so I didn't want a snack.

    Eric and I are taking "before" pictures to put up on the fridge for inspiration. And a mirror. I am nervous/excited about that idea.
