Tuesday, August 17, 2010

purging....the closets.

Glad everyone has enjoyed their vacations. I wish we could keep Summer here a few weeks more. I totally love the warm weather & sunshine. Not looking forward to the colder weather, snow and being trapped in the house. (Yes that's the reason we're starting to think about making a move South)
This past week was a successful one for me. 2.8 lbs down. Hate dealing with the point whatever. So I just round it down. This makes my total so far 86 lbs.
I've promised myself that at 90 lbs I will once again purge my wardrobe. This time of all my size 26/28 shirts that now hang on me like a flag from a pole. Now I'm entering a situation though where I will not have very much to chose from. I've worn that size for so long that there isn't much else in the drawers. So my dear friends I ask that you not think I'm wearing the same smelly shirt over and over. I promise it will be clean, but I don't intend to go on a big shopping spree just yet. Not planning on staying in my now size 16 (ish) shirts for all that long. Size 16 was my goal for my b'day, but with some luck (and very hard work), I'll blow right by that size by then. Now if only my thighs & butt would get on board with this plan....LOL


  1. Wow, wow, wo...um...you are amazing and inspiring and so much more! You deserve that purging and a huge shopping trip - though, I know this part is frustrating, when you are not the size you were, but not the size you want to be. There are actually sites that have clothing exchanges just for this problem! I am lucky that I have clothes that go down to a size 12, so I will be good - but the ultimate goal is a size 10 and at that point....shopping! Keep it up, Ka' - you are awesome!!

  2. oops, that was supposed to be a 3rd "wow" not "wo"...lol

  3. ps....if you go to your page, and click on the edit, you can track your weight there - you can just adjust it so you can just see what the losses were and the date, you don't have to put numbers if you want. But, it's a good way to keep track and to see patterns so you know what works and what might not, you know?
