Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Short but sweet....

Well, we are already home from vacation - so short, but so wonderful!  I did jump on the scale today and it says that I am up 2 lbs but I am not concerned - first, that time of the month decided to arrive yesterday (sorry, TMI for any guys reading this - but, hey, get 5 women together and this is what you are going to get!)  Second, I didn't really eat that off track and we walked our butts off - my steps since Thursday are:

Thursday         11,253    (3006 aerobic)
Friday             16,288    (5153 aerobic)
Saturday          18,512    (6398 aerobic)
Sunday            15.511    (6199 aerobic)
Monday           10,729    (4177 aerobic)

So, if anything, I am at least proud of all the walking we did!  I know the scale will work itself out by WI in on Friday.  I am not totally on track for my first goal and that does concern me a little bit, so I need to find a way to kick things up a notch.  Overall, though, vacation was what it should have been and I am good with that.  I think I might go to the track tonight to walk, if anyone wants to come along...  :)  Have a great day, make good choices and smile because you know you are in control and a month from now, will be celebrating how successful you've been!

1 comment:

  1. Jen - awesome job on the steps.......part of what I missed not being right on the beach during vacation!!
