Monday, August 16, 2010

Vacation depression

Well back from vacation and depressed. Being in Florida where it is friggen hot and humid wasn't able to do as much walking as I would I am back to my weight that I started with! I also missed not being on the beach and getting tons of beach walks in!! I gained 3 lbs this vacation.......I ate, I drank, I snacked and I totally enjoyed myself until I got on the scale. So now back to the drawing board..........and start all over! Went to the supermarket yesterday and got healthier choices than I normally do, apple slices, fat free jello, pineapple and banana's for Mark and salad. Hoping to get more walking in and maybe I will actually get to the gym! I really want to get a bicycle and start riding that and then work myself up to riding it to work.....3 miles, I should! Going to get to the farmers market and buy some straw, blue and rasberry's and make some frostee's......not smoothies because I do not like yogurt, just berries and ice cubes!!! Well, looking forward to a better week next week!


  1. Don't be depressed; it sounds like you did the best that you could while on vacation. It may seem like a lot, but 3 lbs really isn't that much considering how much fun you had. It also sounds like you've got a plan in place to lose those extra pounds which is a good attitude to have. Keep up those positive thoughts.


  2. Nope, don't be depressed - first, as I already told you, no matter how much you indulged, I doubt you ate an additional 11,000 calories to really gain that amount. Second, you would have been more depressed if you deprived yourself on vacation - life, and the scale, are going to have their ups and downs. I totally bet the 3lbs are gone by Friday. So, think of your happy memories from vacation and follow your plan for this week. (oh, and get walking!! :) My pedomter is going to have smiley faces for all of August - that's my goal! :)

  3. Trying to get over the depression and get back on track. Also, trying to break the soda habit..again.. I HATE water, so blah! So right now drinking a diet snapple lemonade ice tea, it's OK not great but OK. I must admit......I love and want the bubbles. After my surgery (gall bladder)couldn't drink that much soda but I am over that now......I can drink lots of it!!! I have tried seltzer and even tonic water but those are icky! Oh well, I will find something besides soda to drink!!!!
