Monday, August 2, 2010

The hardest part of the day.........

is Monday through Friday from 7:30am to 3:30pm.......all I want to do is eat, eat and eat some more (not s'mores......but they do sound good!)! Today I had cereal for breakfast, 2 - 100 cal snack pack, box of raisins, pasta salad for lunch and 1 hard boiled egg w/no yolk.......and I am starving! I am busy during this time but all I want to do is eat and think about eating! This drives me insane. So I eat something little thinking it will go away but it doesn't. I wish there was a magic pill to make this go away but there isn't. Luckily when I went to 7-11 I didn't buy anything bad because I would be digging into that now......also Pauline was with me and I knew better becuase she would take it away. The plus side is that we did 1 lap at Votee in 22 minutes and I have 2711 aerobic steps today.....good for me. Working inventory later so I know I will not get a walk in! So I guess I will have a mint, sucker or lollipop and get back to work and try not to think about food. I have some watermelon and will try to wait till 3 pm to have that!!! Good luck to me!!!!


  1. Well, a couple of questions - are you counting points, calories, or just using your own idea of being "good"? Because maybe you aren't eating enough? Or, maybe you need to have more filling foods - for example, you had 2 100 cal packs - but, for that same amount of calories, you could have had a peanut butter sandwich with 3/4's of a tablespoon of peanut butter, which is more filling, you know? (just an example!) Or two bags of 100 calorie microwave popcorn.... And, are you drinking water or something during this time? That would totally help fill you up. Don't get frustrated, just give yourself time and figure out what works and what doesn't...

  2. Just trying to be good and watch portion control and cut the junk out. I am not drinking as much water as I should, I think I drank a whole 12 oz yesterday! Woo hoo! One thing on the good side my blood pressure has been decent.....some readings have been 118/84, 121/79, 126/84....and that is w/out meds, so hopefully I can keep this going! I still have to go for some blood work and I will try to get that done this week!
