Thursday, August 12, 2010

Weigh in and adios...

Well, the weigh in for today was that I was down a pound.  I am happy with that but sometimes I feel like a turtle in the land of rabbits....I do know that in the end, the turtle going slow and steady does win the race.  I only get frustrated because I also know that the beginning is where you lose the the quickest - so, if I'm already losing slow, what will it be like a few months from now?  I'm happy, trust me - I'd rather see the scale move downward, no matter how much, then not at all - or...horrors...move up!  But, some people lose 5 lbs in a week - I can't seem to do it in three weeks!  But, being honest, I know that I also thwart my own progress - not tracking yesterday because I was so busy, not walking the past two days, etc.

But, moving onward and upward (well, in this case *downward*), we are leaving this afternoon for a few days at the beach.  I'm not worried about staying on course on vacation.  First, it's vacation - I'm not going to stress.  Second, I plan to be very active - swimming, walks on the beach, etc.    The worst part for me will be drinking - but, again, it is vacation and a drink or two is going to happen.  We'll see where the scale is Tuesday and go from there.  Fingers crossed for good weather and a fun time - we haven't been away since 2006 so we really need this.  My son is so excited he couldn't go to sleep last night!  :)   Also fingers crossed that my *girls* (our two labs) are okay - I hate leaving them home when we go away (yes, I'm *that* kind of dog mom!) but I know we have lots of people checking on them and they are truly happier here than in a kennel.

Okay, gotta run - I've had my 10 minute root touch up on for about 30 minutes now so lets hope my hair is not orange!  :)  Have a great weekend!!

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