Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Reality Check

Just looking in the mirror, or trying to squeeze into my jeans should have been a reality check. But, as you all know, it wasn't. There was excuse after excuse, and "good" reasons, and anything else you could think of for not taking care of myself. But all of those excuses have kept me at 260 lbs. for awhile. And none of them were worth it really.

But, I finally got my reality check. My doctor called to tell me that my blood work showed that I have high cholesterol. Now, this shouldn't really be a shock. Actually, it wasn't, really. I see what I eat everyday. I know what I do and don't do physically. So, I figured that it would be high. But hearing the actual words come out of her mouth struck something in me.

So I went out and walked today. I honestly didn't watch what I ate all that well. But I did something physical. It wasn't long and it wasn't far, but I did it. And that made me happy.

I also ordered the books to start the South Beach Diet. THAT made me very happy. Not only for the weight loss, and controlling the cholesterol, but because it's a start to something good. I have tried many others that have worked here and there, but nothing significant. My doctor had suggested this, since it is also a good diet for someone with PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome).

I haven't been this excited, or happy (or tired, to be honest) in awhile. But guess what... This reality check was sooo worth it. :)


  1. Good for you! Starting is always the hardest part. The more you get moving, the easier it will be. Congrats on taking the first step.


  2. Everyone needs that reality check moment - and you are way to youung to have high cholesterol! There is so much ahead of you - the wedding, future babies (woot!!) so this is the perfect time for that reality check and to get things in control - and you have all of us for support! How can you go wrong here? We're all in it together! :)

  3. Know we're all here to help you. Have you gotten the books yet? Let me know what you think about South Beach. Know lots of people who have done very well with it. Reality checks suck, but are necessary. Just let me know if I can help you out.
